Red Flags to Look Out for Before Your First Date
What are red flags before first date? Red flags are signs that indicate a potential problem or danger. They can be seen in any situation, including before a first date. When you’re getting to know someone, it’s important to be aware of any red flags that may come up. Here are some red flags to look out for before your first date.
They Don't Respect Your Boundaries
One of the most important red flags to look out for before a first date is if the person doesn’t respect your boundaries. This could include not respecting your time, your physical boundaries, or your emotional boundaries. For example, you say that you don’t want to have another drink and they order one for you anyway. You say you need to head back home because you have an early day tomorrow and they try to convince you to stay longer. They try to kiss you and you express that you’re not comfortable with that. All of these are signs that the person doesn’t respect your boundaries.
They Don't Listen to You
Another red flag to look out for before a first date is if the person doesn’t listen to you. This could include not listening to what you’re saying, not asking questions about you, or not taking an interest in what you have to say. If the person doesn’t seem to be listening to you, it’s a sign that they’re not really interested in getting to know you.
They Don't Make Plans
A third red flag to look out for before a first date is if the person doesn’t make plans. If they’re not making plans for the date or suggesting activities that you can do together, it’s a sign that they’re not really interested in getting to know you.
When you’re getting to know someone, it’s important to be aware of any red flags that may come up. Pay attention to how the person treats you and how they respond to your boundaries. If they don’t respect your boundaries, don’t listen to you, or don’t make plans, these are all signs that the person isn’t really interested in getting to know you. Be aware of these red flags before your first date so that you can make sure you’re safe and comfortable.