Welcome to the blog about love, relationships and dating

Love is a warm embrace that whispers tenderness in your ear and wraps you in a cocoon of comfort and joy, spreading its wings and taking you on an endless journey of happiness.

How Do Most Alaskans Make Money?

Alaskans are a hardworking and resilient people who have found ways to make money in a variety of industries. From fishing to tourism, there are many ways that Alaskans make money. However, the oil and gas industry is the largest component of Alaska's economy, providing…

What is the 3 Month Rule? A Comprehensive Guide

The 3 month rule is a post-breakup rule that suggests that all parties involved must wait three months before dating again. This societal dictation is meant to give the people involved a chance to cool off, reflect, and possibly forgive. It is a way to…

What is a Swedish Kiss? A Guide to the Meaning of Puss

Swedish kisses, or puss, are a type of kiss that is usually brief and with a closed mouth. It is similar to the English peck, and can be used between friends and family members, as well as partners. What Does Puss Mean? Puss is the…

What to text to get him to chase you?

Are you looking for ways to make a guy chase you over text? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Texting is a great way to make a guy chase you and get him interested in you. It’s a great way to start a…